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  What Do You Need To Purchase?  

- In addition to The 'Cooler Bleeder base kit you will need to purchase:

- A series adapter.  Use vehicle connection chart to determine which is needed for your application

- Plug for your application, if required.  Again, use vehicle connection chart to determine what is needed for your application
- Both plugs and adapters are designed for stock unmodified CAC systems.   If you have deleted the bleed port location as outlined in your connection chart, The 'Cooler Bleeder will not function.   You can re-add the bleed port, or add one of our universal Tee fittings and use the GHT1 plug  

- An electric HVAC vacuum pump capable of at least 3CFM and containing a 1/4" SAE flare fitting.   Vacuum pumps are available for purchase on our website.  These are all drop shipped and known to work well.  Any warranties will  have to be processed directly through the manufacturer and not through The 'Cooler Bleeder.  We suggest you research and locally purchase a vacuum pump that suits your individual needs and not through our store as we are simply a reseller and offer the pumps for one stop shopping ease. 

- While not necessary, we also strongly suggest the vehicle is placed onto a battery charger when using The 'Cooler Bleeder.

The 'Cooler Bleeder is not only fully automated, but also the most effective and
efficient Charge Air Cooler bleeding system available.
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